miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Post 2 (week 4) > Expectations for a New Semester

   Hi Again! Today I will talk about the new semester. I`m very happy because this year I have new subjects, for example: History of Arts, it`s great. I think that is really interesting. I hope to learn so much about different artistic disciplines in the history. Also I have class theory of contemporary dance. I will to read complex texts. Other new subjets is English, it`s very difficult for me, because in my old school this class was very bad. My miss didn`t speak english. I`m sure that I will have to study learn. And... Of course I have others subjects: Ballet, modern dance, phsical conditioning, and contemporary dance; this is my favorite class of dance.
    I expect to study and learn for my university subjects. I don`t want fail.
    I don`t have activities extracurrilar. I job in supermarket, and in this year I hope to stay working.        As well  I like so much read. I expect to have money and time for my books.
  Bye bye!! So long. Cony.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Blog Session 1 (Week 3) >> My Auto Biography English III Danza

Hi. My name is María Constanza Astorga, it´s a long name, but my nickname is "coni". I was born on April 20, 1997 in the village of Doñihue. I am nineteen years old. I from Graneros, it´s a little town in the city of Rancagua. Before i live in another town, I always live in countryside, I love coutryside! But now I live in center of Santiago and is a crazy city, the people is very different and nobody wants to talk.
Now live in Santiago because i am studing Dance in University of Chile, it´s so great, I love it!
Sometimes I miss my family because they are to eigthy km of Santiago, and that´s too much for me. Every weekend traveled to my village to visit my family, my  mom, my dad, my grandmother, my sister, my niece and my pets: cat-sari (yes, that´s his name) and oso (my dog).
Okay, bye bye.