miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

Post 4: Movies!

Hi! Today I will talk about movies. I love movies, I think that it´s a medium for set forth ideas, dreams and problematic situations of human experience. Although I know that there are a lot movies without content. I am not against of this movies, I believe they are entertaining, but sometimes I prefer other movies with more interesting situations.

Before I didn´t watch a many movies because I didn´t have cable, but now that I live in Santiago I have Netflix in TV , it´s great. I watch a lot movies. In Netflix there are very good movies, series and documentarys. But also there are very bad movies, as some of comedy and others too much drama with topic boring and bad actors.

I like French movies, Argentine cinema and Chilean cinema. Also I like some movies of North American. For example "Black Swan". It´s very interesting because shows the inside of the personage. In this movie Natalie Portman acts. I love Natalie, she is an excellent actress.

Also I like director Tim Burton, all his films are brilliants. He is expert at creating imaginary worlds and fabulous personages. Byee!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Love the black swan, it's a really good movie!! Tim Burton fan too <3

  2. Coni don't be an anorexic please jgjkfgjg !! love this movie too
